Health is no longer taken for granted. You can be healthy, but that does not automatically mean you are also vital.
Everyone's life has pleasant circumstances, but also situations that cost us energy.
Since we often play the role of partner, parent, caregiver, employee, entrepreneur, boss, student, scholar, etc., both good and not-so-good things can affect our lives from various angles.
If it doesn't come directly from within yourself, it can come out through others in your life and cost you a chunk of vitality or even your health.
When you become ill, it puts extra strain on both yourself and those around you. What you were doing slows down or stops and your life then revolves around doctors, therapists and visits to the hospital. You try to carry on living as best you can, despite the challenges.
I often hear that although a diagnosis has been made, treatment does not lead to the desired solution. There is a wealth of information available through "Dr Google", but it can be difficult to discern what is true and what is right for you.
You may not yet know what exactly is wrong and your GP has only 15 minutes per consultation to address a complaint. After exploratory tests, you then hear that everything is fine, while you yourself are sure something is wrong. Even after referral to a specialist in the hospital, you sometimes don't come out of it. And in the worst case, you are more or less told in passing that you just have to learn to live with your symptoms, or that a trial with an antidepressant might be worthwhile.
However, what I do differently from many others is combining my clinical experience as a doctor with the knowledge as a functional medicine doctor, following the principles of 'Positive Health'. You can read what this means at "healthy & vital“.